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People that he is now unwilling to suffer any loss not even verbal losses who am I doing this for zhu jingyan rolled his eyes he didn t treat the person opposite him like an emperor I m not for you I m always heartless zhu.

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Reason what you said is also reasonable but how do I look at it these people seem to have malicious intentions I don t know why but I always have a bad feeling do you think I should maybe there are other officials who can t.

They couldn t help but raise their lips again as if they had seen the end of zhu jingyan being trampled under his feet and cast aside by all the people the royal forest army surrounded dali temple how could zhu jingyan not.

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Under his hand waved the encirclement suddenly shrank a lot seeing this the people on the periphery also tentatively walked inside the people in the first two circles have been able to tell what chen qiai and zhu jingyan said.

He put on a smile again chen qiai had a panoramic view of zhu jingyan s change of face and became more and more convinced that he was indeed collaborating with the enemy and treason otherwise zhu jingyan a person who is.

Are you want to search dali temple do you have a search warrant of course chen qiai does he took out the queen s token and said on the order of the queen I came to search dali temple I also asked mr zhu to give me the order.

Make it easy bold duo duo snarled and slid down from zhu jingyan s arms the empress is in charge of the six palaces and the phoenix is in the world in fact can you make false accusations chen qiai was taken aback by duoduo.

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Shameful in your house we promise to come out empty handed not even a single chicken feather chen qiai was still a little hesitant his house was indeed not clean but he had his back against the empress the reason for his.

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Follow but chen qiai couldn t wait to search the dali temple so he called someone from behind silang take mr zhu to our house one trip be sure to search thoroughly yes chen silang is chen qiai s nephew chen the family does.

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The cases of the common people he has a clear mind and handles cases fairly although the time in dali temple is still short it has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people the people still like zhang qian very.

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Under him but heartfelt people are very scarce the man seems to have received great kindness and he will give it to him when his legs are weak chen qiai knelt down and said thank you sir the great kindness and kindness of.

The adults but the shamelessness of the villains memorable chen qiai still wanted to use this opportunity to win the hearts of the people how could he really kneel down and help him up as soon as he raised his hand no need.

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Don t understand what mr zhu means zhu jingyan said ha took the pile of letter paper from guang qing an s hand and shook the letter paper with a swish sound everyone take a look does it look familiar before the people.

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First using dali temple s unique communication method just to allow dali temple to prepare in advance cangchenhe chen ye was concerned that cang xiaowan had just detoxified and was still weak so he led cang xiaowan behind.

And hurried back slowly ignoring the complaint duo duo took the prescription attached to the letter and went to get cang xiaowan some medicine after getting the medicine she counted the time and squatted in the kitchen.

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That someone doesn t want to say anything but she still wants to get to the bottom of it but when this person is zhang qian she can t help but worry and she can t stay rational uncle zhang duoduo bit her lower lip and made.

After much thought I decided to try it again uncle zhang duoduo said with a straight face you know I m not talking about xiao wan after a long time it turned out to be duoduo who was the first to discover it although zhang.

Qian didn t speak his expression softened obviously many don t know whether they should be happy or sad she has never been sad because her judgment is correct this time it s the first time was it the queen who poisoned me.

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That the herb was extremely precious and uncommon many people believed it then let s wait until divine doctor lu comes back zhang qian felt warm in his heart he thought that even if he died he would never give duoduo to the.

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didn t know why duoduo concluded that the queen would not kill her but zhang qian knew that if she fell into the hands of the.

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This time the other party did not hesitate to kill her on the street in order to kidnap duo duo away poison she couldn t imagine what would happen to duoduo after being kidnapped by that vicious queen but undoubtedly the.

Outside environment is unsafe for many people only in dali temple where the queen s hands cannot reach in can a lot of safety be ensured zhang qian also has something to be busy with so he can t accompany duoduo to her.

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also knew that cang xiaowan was doing it for her own good she thought for a while and then said then you should take medicine properly have a good rest and try to get better.

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Duoduo returned to dali temple he stopped making any plans to run out even zhu jingyan and others went out to investigate the case duoduo didn t make a fuss anymore and insisted on following it and stayed in dali temple.

Peacefully if you can t go out to make trouble you will definitely not go out to make trouble there is only one thing she endured it for a long time but finally she couldn t hold it back and found cang chen after seeing.

Cang chen some daughters shyness was causing trouble and they didn t know how to speak so they hesitated for a long time in the end it s dust can t go on anymore put down the pen that was writing the paperwork looked at.

Duoduo with a smile do you have something to ask uncle cang duo s expression became even more unnatural no I just asked the old doctor who gave xiaowan jiedu pill her voice was loud as if she was trying to cover up.

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Think about himself he still has a thick pile of paperwork to write under his hand woolen cloth I m going to die cang chen shook his wrist accepted his fate picked up the pen and continued writing documents many people ran.

Again and again there must be something wrong with the sect and even a big problem otherwise yunlaizong had chi yuan s parents and a group of elder guardians around so why let chi yuan go back to deal with affairs it was.

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Wanted me to give her to the queen in exchange for the antidote as he spoke zhang qian shrugged his shoulders tell me what s going on after all you can be regarded as mr duoduo s enlightenment can you can you teach her.

Something serious cang chen was silent for a moment and when he met zhang qian s why don t you speak look cang chen said bluntly I can t accept your words can he say that chi yuan was worried that duoduo would be bored and.

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Something there is something about duoduoduo that I want to discuss with you yoho cang chen looked into the yard and saw that the sun was rising in the west zhang qian had actually discussed a lot of things with him I guess.

Duoduo is so smart guan I should know something about my life experience what do you think cangchen I still want to feel the relationship in the end I don t want to feel it I want you to feel it it s hard to say after cang.

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For a long time no one can escort duoduo all the way only she can grow up by herself in such a hurry cang chen probed with a half smile zhang qian pursed her lips and looked at cang chen dissatisfaction easily visible in her.

Be seen without looking carefully just think of it as I want to be a good person after zhang qian finished speaking he opened the door and walked out the sun shone on his body instantly making him feel warm he clenched his.

Notice it ah guang qing an let go of his chopsticks in surprise duoduo glanced at him strangely what are you thinking in order to help the country and eliminate the relatives your father guang is puzzled as to why you would.

Said with a smile my father is a big hero so I will be a little hero her answer was ambiguous and even covered it up but several people I just got it duoduo should have known something but judging by her current.

Appearance it should be just some speculation if it is confirmed the only thing that should be her mother is concubine ming as for the rest it s still early days let s eat zhu jingyan took a piece of fried chicken for.

Very fast and guang qing an reached out to stop him but he didn t stop him yue xiaochi was away on the forty second day and missed him he wanted to go to the kitchen to see who was on duty today what kind of skill is it.

They are all old men so don t be harsh what s wrong with the old men not to mention our snacks who are the chefs in the restaurants outside who are the girls from jiao didi make a meal they can t do it that doesn t make.

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You can find the other party s whereabouts no matter how strong his concealment skills are yes we will soon arrive at cang s house the carriage with the sign of dali temple was parked at the door chen ye was bored sitting in.

Getting into the carriage she also noticed another carriage she looked at chen ye with doubt on her face chen ye looked up at the sky with a clear mind she stopped getting into the carriage turned around and ran towards.

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Understanding of miss xu is only average chi yuan was surprised for a moment at first and then he also thought that it was his departure that made many people change their minds son he raised his hand and put it on li.

Carriage chen ye would never let him park here safely moreover chen ye s expression just now was also very subtle the people in this carriage must be someone chen ye knew plus she ran over when he arrived chen ye did not.

Chase him she was already under the carriage and chen ye was still sitting on the carriage through chen ye s various performances duoduo concluded that this carriage must have something to do with chi yuan it s you many.

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Li xiuyuan it s like a different person with a fierce aura that makes people shy away in addition chen ye has also flown in li xiuyuan s pressure has been greatly reduced and he has not forgotten to .

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Became more motivated and when he started to move his hands it was called merciless he has to be brought here by chi yuan only when people are stronger can duoduo have the right to speak rong yuliang was no longer as.

Were shaking nervously and he was worried about duoduo s safety he wanted to pull duoduo into the carriage but he didn t know how to face duoduo ah duoduo suddenly exclaimed a lot chi yuan unable to hold back any longer he.

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